Really! The mind is a magic box and time, an illusion — with the power of meditation you can pull out the right bunnies from this box and turn the wheels of time any which way you wish. Miracles are nothing but manifestation of one's ultimate potential. Meditation is just the first step — often the hardest one to take.
From Wired How-To Wiki
Photo by Renee Barron/Flickr/CC
Meditation isn't just something for yogis or crystal-collecting New Age fanatics. It's also for overworked, gadget-loving geeks who need a little bit of downtime in their busy schedules.Meditation is a scientifically proven method of lowering stress levels and helping your body and mind relax. And, contrary to its image in popular media, meditation isn't difficult, you don't need to be religious, and you don't need to bend yourself into a pretzel to do it. All you need is bit of free time, a quiet place, and some dedication. It takes practice and discipline to get beyond the common n00b stumbling blocks.
The wandering mind
There are several ways to stop your mind from wandering. One, mentioned above, is to focus your attention back on the breath. Another is to use a mantra, something your repeat so that your mind has something to focus on. Yet another is to light a candle a few feet in front of you and stare at the flame.
Some use a signing bowl, or some other drone-producing mechanism that gives your brain something to focus on.
Others will tell you that, to quiet the mind, it's best to avoid any sensory distraction: no sounds, no visual aids and nothing to touch.
Whichever method you use, keep searching for muscles to relax. Meditation isn't a test, and there is nothing wrong with a wandering mind. After all, if your mind didn't wander then you wouldn't have any need to meditate. Work with yourself, not against.
Moving past focus
Once you're able to focus on a single thing -- your breath, a mantra or whatever works for you -- the next step is to focus on nothing at all. This is the "clearing the mind" part of meditation that's probably always sounded a bit mysterious. The truth is it's not easy, but once you've got your attention under control you can begin to let go of the thing that is controlling it.
Push the object of focus away from your mind and simply let it rest. Or continue to observe it, but remain impartial and detached from it. If any thoughts come up, take the same attitude toward them.
Read more at howto.wired.comConclusion
While meditation is actually quite easy, it take a tremendous amount of practice before it will feel natural. Luckily you'll likely begin to notice some of the benefits long before you begin to feel that you're "successful" at meditation. Once you notice the nice relaxed feeling you get after even a short five-minute meditation, you'll find yourself wanting to work more such moments into your day.
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