So It Is 4U Headline Animator

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Brilliant opportunity for entertainment investors

Brilliant opportunity for investors—a production slate, with 5 international feature films, 2 Animated Features, 3 mini series, and an ongoing production of educational and inspirational DVD content—interested parties may get in touch with me at—the next Miramax | RKO | Sony Pictures, in its making...
The joy of turning hundreds to thousands and thousands to millions is soon becoming a thing of the past—with digital entertainment and the immense reach of popular content across all media—the opportunity henceforth is one which converts millions to billions...

A culmination of over 15 years of experience of working with the largest and best media companies, mentored by the finest talent there is in India, US, and Europe—I feel all of what I have learned has been for the purpose of bringing together the next generation of entertainers and icons in creating innovative and inspiring content that makes the world a happier and brighter place for all to live in and prosper.


Invest your good will and encouragement towards the future of bright minds and joyous hearts

Donations, small or large, are welcome—to help a highly gifted soul in her wonderful growing years, internationally travel with People-to-People International, as she prepares to come of age—fitting into the shoes of the visions that lead her—that of becoming a world healer...

Invest your good will and encouragement towards the future of bright minds and joyous hearts setting an example for a harmonious world, that we may leave for our children...

For your kind consideration: I humbly urge you to review and support the program as well as forward the link to likely contributors in your esteemed company, who will also encourage Sierra in her mission.

————— A letter from Sierra Diane-Marie Walls ——————

When President Eisenhower founded the People to People Program in 1956his theory was simple. If we promote face to face interaction between people, not government, these interactions will help bring about everlasting peace.

Welcome to One Purpose Earth, my fund raising homepage for People to People's Ambassador Program.

In June 2011, I will travel to Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England with P2P as a Student Ambassador. Please feel free to click on any of the links to learn about me, my Itinerary, and the Program to help me reach my dream!

Visit One Purpose Earth—to learn more

Thank You for Your Support,
Sierra Walls

I'm deeply grateful for your donation and your help with realizing my dreams.

To support Sierra and make a  donation:
Delegate Last Name: Walls
              Delegate ID: 10084796

or Choose to donate via Pay Pal

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Evidence that Japanese animators are reaching for the moon, while most of their American counterpart remain stuck in the kiddie sandbox." Manohla Dargis, The New York Times

Inception v/s Pakrika

This is true of cinema across its entire length of existence—American filmmakers have materialized concepts and techniques developed by eastern genius and made it more commercial via the distribution and business monopoly of the capitalist system.

Monopoly has driven the human intellect into a doomsday race—Hollywood epitomizes this journey of mankind that leads to nowhere. Interdependent and symbiotic coexistence is the structure of life—breaking the code for individual gain only isolates one, disconnecting from the source of original creation.

We need the modernistic views of the west and the ancient wisdom of the east to work together to create the collective collaboration of souls that makes this planet into heaven—"Zion"—the land of Gods. A place where each individual being is given the opportunity to blossom into their highest and most pure form—thus becoming a pure channel to God's work.

Christopher Nolan is a genius, no doubt about that—and he has to set an example for the many in the world he has access through his influence—in showing grace and thanking the creative brilliance of Sathoshi Kon in "Paprika" that is the source of "Inception."

The irony and fallacy created by Hollywood to prove some sort of hollow supremacy over the rest of the world—by awarding their fellows in their own backyard—fellows who have obviously fallen into the rat race that leads to nowhere. Christopher Nolan was awarded the Academy Award for the Best Screenplay for "Inception."

I believe every film buff around the world that has supported Chris Nolan along the years must demand for him to acknowledge and give credit to Satoshi Kon, as well as, make it possible for eastern geniuses to thrive rather than choke these masters for a weird sense of short-term gain in this silly game of Monopoly. They have already destroyed European cinema—remember Goddard, Fellini, Truffaut, Eisenstein... We need them as much as we need American films, if not more...


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Science is still barely catching up with the phenomenon of life

Can we base our lives on Science and its claims? All things claimed as facts by Science is strung together on a series of events that are uni-dimensional and do not in the least bit cover all the possibilities and infinite perspectives involved in the magnum opus work of creation.

Science is a collective resource gathering function served by a few in society, using logic and measurable units of life limited to such events that can be turned into a formula that allows one to recreate it in a one size fits all imitation of what exists.

Not everything in the vast expanse of the universe and its infinite wisdom can satisfy this rule set by Science based on its inadequacies, therefore scientists choose to either ignore or dismiss anything outside their immediate knowing.

Yet in doing so, somewhere along its course, Science expand and gradually learns more about the phenomenon of life, claiming to have discovered and validate something it had previously dismissed.

The recent occurrence of natural annihilation of birds, animals and fish around the globe seems to hold an alarming likeness to what has been mentioned in the old testament. Scientists continue to use their wild guess and narrow base facts to theorize fictional narratives trying to fathom these recent events.

Here are some Bible quotes that mention such an occurrence...

Hosea 4:1-3 (King James Version)

1Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.

 2By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.

 3Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.

Ecclesiastes 9:12 (King James Version)

 12For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.

Zephaniah 1:3 (King James Version)

 3I will consume man and beast; I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked: and I will cut off man from off the land, saith the LORD.

Here's a link for Google Maps tracing the numerous incidents reported around the world of millions of birds, animals and fish dying all at once.

View Larger Map

(Most recent: Millions of fish found dead in Los Angeles, Redondo Beach)

I would like us to consider looking beyond the logic driven by such limited viewpoints and expand beyond all our existing knowledge and experience of life seeking answers from beyond the horizon. Going back to the roots of the spiritual gurus and genius innovators of all ages who connected with a source of wisdom beyond the then collective knowledge of all humanity. At first they were opposed by the absolute truth in their wisdom lived beyond their age and has since become a part of the collective consciousness. We now need to as individuals and as a collective do what these masters have shown us in their life examples. Lead your life beyond the fears and grids that hold you back from unleashing the infinite potential of your being.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

must read poem, If — Rudyard Kipling

written in 1910 for his 12 years-old son John

must read poem, If — Rudyard Kipling

written in 1910 for his 12 years-old son John

Amplify’d from


Rudyard Kipling

written in 1910 for his 12 years-old son John


If you can keep your head when all about you

     Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

     But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

     Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

Or being hated don't give way to hating

     And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream--and not make dreams your master,

     If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim,

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

     And treat those two imposters just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

     Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

     And stoop and build ‘em up with worn-out tools,

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

     And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

     And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

     To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And hold on when there is nothing in you

     Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with cowards and keep your virtue,

     Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

     If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

     With sixty seconds worth of distance run

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

     And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The fake act of Democracy and Freedom

America is the largest democracy in the world, economically speaking—and India is the largest if we go by population. In both these said democratic states the illusion has been well maintained for the populace, yet the truth is far from what is perceived. It should a magical coincidence to have each and every one for forty four presidents of America be direct descendents of British and European monarchy. In India, the story is no different. The string of power positions have been pulled by the Nehru family over the sixty four years of its independence. Wake up world—the drama unfolding in North Africa is nothing more than another conquest of the colonial European royal fallacy. It's really time now for the populace to wake up and think beyond the visible lies and believe in the invisible yet apparent truth. Each of us living on this planet inherited this beautiful and miraculous mother Earth; we all are filled with immense and immeasurable potential to be part of the great creation of life. Why sell short on what matters most—our freedom. Let's face the truth and transform it, so we may truly be free individuals working for the voice that truly guides the brilliance in you and me—and end the reign of fake democracy that drives the system of enslaving the populace reducing them to nothing but wage drive slaves, easily manipulated by pulling out a few fake paper notes from a fake system of currency. The real currency of life is love and character, build on these and you shall never be short changed of your freedom or your infinite power to be the direct descendent of God himself. LIVE FREE! Freedom [free-duhm]: Your freedom is given to you as a right, one that is yours to exercise or part with. Freedom is the power of free will to participate in acts or thoughts that bring you closer to the infinite power of the source of all life, or for you to give away your power and disconnect with the source. - Thomas Marcus George

The fake act of Democracy and Freedom

America is the largest democracy in the world, economically speaking—and India is the largest if we go by population. In both these said democratic states the illusion has been well maintained for the populace, yet the truth is far from what is perceived. It should a magical coincidence to have each and every one for forty four presidents of America be direct descendents of British and European monarchy. In India, the story is no different. The string of power positions have been pulled by the Nehru family over the sixty four years of its independence.

Wake up world—the drama unfolding in North Africa is nothing more than another conquest of the colonial European royal fallacy.

It's really time now for the populace to wake up and think beyond the visible lies and believe in the invisible yet apparent truth. Each of us living on this planet inherited this beautiful and miraculous mother Earth; we all are filled with immense and immeasurable potential to be part of the great creation of life. Why sell short on what matters most—our freedom.

Let's face the truth and transform it, so we may truly be free individuals working for the voice that truly guides the brilliance in you and me—and end the reign of fake democracy that drives the system of enslaving the populace reducing them to nothing but wage drive slaves, easily manipulated by pulling out a few fake paper notes from a fake system of currency.

The real currency of life is love and character, build on these and you shall never be short changed of your freedom or your infinite power to be the direct descendent of God himself.


Freedom [free-duhm]: Your freedom is given to you as a right, one that is yours to exercise or part with. Freedom is the power of free will to participate in acts or thoughts that bring you closer to the infinite power of the source of all life, or for you to give away your power and disconnect with the source.

- Thomas Marcus George

Amplify’d from

Direct descent

The United States Presidents who are related to each other by direct descent are:

Two other pairs of Presidents have shared a surname. Andrew Johnson and Lyndon B. Johnson have no known relationship. Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt were fifth cousins, though they were more closely related through Franklin's wife Eleanor Roosevelt (née Roosevelt), who was Theodore's niece.

[edit] Indirect relatives

This is a list of some of the closer blood relations, other than direct descent, between U.S. Presidents. (See Cousin chart to understand the terms used here.)

[edit] Second cousins

[edit] Third cousins

[edit] Fourth cousins

[edit] Fifth cousins

[edit] Sixth cousins

[edit] Seventh cousins

[edit] Eighth cousins

[edit] Ninth cousins

[edit] Tenth cousins

[edit] Other relationships

The list above includes the closer, more significant relationships. Family trees, particularly those in a limited geographic area, tend to converge relatively rapidly and many family trees going back ten generations or more will connect to more than one dozen U.S. Presidents,[citation needed] if all female ancestors and their descendants are traced. This is why, for example, it is not mentioned that through Robert Wyngate of Sharpenhoe, Bedfordshire, J.Q. Adams and W.H. Harrison are eighth cousins.

There are also numerous relationships by marriage which are not presented in this article. For example, Richard Nixon was the father-in-law of Dwight Eisenhower's grandson. George Washington's half aunt married James Madison's half great-uncle. Woodrow Wilson married (as his second wife) the great-great-great-niece of Thomas Jefferson.

[edit] Presidents related to royalty

[edit] Presidents related to British royalty

As a result, all of the listed people are direct descendants of Alfred the Great. All are also descended from William the Conqueror.

In addition, according to Genealogics and edit] Presidents related to Irish royalty

[edit] Presidents related to other royalty